Benefits of Infrared Saunas for Home Use

What Is An Infrared Sauna?

Infrared Sauna

What Is An Infrared Sauna?

An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses infrared light to heat the body directly, as opposed to traditional saunas, which heat the air around you. Infrared saunas have gained popularity for their claimed health and wellness benefits.


Amid a global pandemic causing physical and mental health concerns, many are turning to saunas for rejuvenation. Far-infrared saunas, with their efficiency and health benefits, are especially appealing as they offer a convenient way to de-stress and revitalize the body.

In summary, traditional saunas use heated mineral stones and water for steam, while far-infrared saunas use modern technology, specifically far-infrared and negative ions, to achieve sauna effects. Far-infrared saunas improve metabolism, physical fitness, relieve fatigue, enhance skin beauty, and promote blood circulation.


What Is Far-infrared Radiant Heat?

Far-infrared radiant heat, often simply referred to as far-infrared heat, is a type of radiant heat that uses far-infrared (FIR) waves to warm objects and surfaces directly, including the human body. Far-infrared radiation is a segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that is invisible to the human eye but is perceived as heat when it interacts with the skin and other surfaces.

In simple terms, it's like when clouds part, and the sun's far-infrared wavelength warms your body. Far-infrared rays, ranging from 4 to 14μm, can penetrate and promote microvascular expansion, improve blood circulation, boost metabolism, enhance immunity, and healing. Special materials are often needed to generate intense far-infrared rays. This makes it valuable in the medical and sauna industries for its healing effects on the body.


Infrared Radiant Heat Sauna Works

Far-infrared saunas stimulate your cardiovascular, immune, and lymphatic systems, promoting sweating and health benefits. They avoid the discomfort of hot air and oxygen deprivation in traditional saunas. Far-infrared saunas are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, making them ideal for home use, as they don't require lengthy preheating like traditional saunas.


Is Infrared Sauna Safe?

Many people are using infrared saunas without fully understanding their benefits. Infrared saunas are safe, emitting mild infrared heat that surrounds your body. They typically operate at 120-140 degrees Fahrenheit and use infrared heat generators to achieve 360° body warming for detoxification.

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